What makes us different?
We took the top five complaints that Chiropractors have of their current accountants and CPA’s and we made them the cornerstones of our business.
- My accountant only contacts me at tax time.
We believe in being proactive and not reactive. We meet with you 4 times each year and go over your finances in detail.
- My accountant never tells me what I am going to owe in taxes. Instead on April 15th I get an email stating I need to write a check for 35k to the IRS.
We have advanced ways of tracking your tax liability through the year. When we meet with you for your quarterly meetings (4 times per year) you will know how the increase in revenue will affect you.
- My accountant never gives me advice. I always feel like I am flying blind.
Chiro Pro Accounting is very proactive, and we know what it is like to just be starting your Chiropractic Dude, that’s amazing!!!! We are 1,000,000% grateful for your help! I love seeing those numbers! Business to having owned it for 10 years plus without any direction. We advise on your business entity, structure, shareholder wages, how to keep receipts and invoices, the simplest way to keep track of mileage and we lead classes on fraud prevention as well as expense maximization.
- My accountant doesn’t do any tax planning. When I ask about the things I can do to save money in taxes he tells me that what I owe is what I will owe.
Telling you what you owe is NOT tax planning. There are proven and detailed strategies available to business owners that are NOT available to W-2 wage earners. Every time we prepare your return, we will list for you the amount of money you will save (ROI) based on the tax strategies we have implemented for you.
- My Accountant knows nothing about my Chiropractic business, or he seems very disinterested.
We assure you; it makes a huge difference having an advisor and a partner know everything there is to know about your business. We can spot problems proactively and help with expense maximization. We advise you on the current trends and the goals you need to set for yourself based on hundreds of other Chiropractors we work with daily.